Market Insights

Naples Heats Up

As the calendar year winds to a close, the pace in Naples picks up. From the social scene to the real estate market, winter months are the hottest time of year here. A review of year-end sales data shows that the seasonal uptick has begun and that the Naples market is poised for another strong year.


Year-end home sales in Naples outperformed the last decade of benchmarks, setting an intense pace for 2020. Year-over-year, 2019 residential sales rose by 5.6 percent. By home type, condo sales increased 2 percent from the prior year and single-family home sales rose markedly by 9 percent. Median sales price for the final month of the year increased by 3.5 percent from 2018 to 2019. Likewise reflecting buy-side intensity, the median number of days for sales has condensed from 55 days for sales closed in January 2019 to only 44 days for sales closed in January 2020, illustrating a quickening in close pace of 20 percent for homes listed at year-end.


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